Mu humble blog on me and my family

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Praying over a "operational" issue

Its been a long time since i prayed over an operational issue. Operational is defined as something that "doing" has more impact on the outcome than "hoping".

We have applied for a second maid. It has been more than 2 months already. Reason given by agency is unexpected problem occurred to get the maid's passport (myanmar). With wifey due at any point, and we need the second maid now. To explain, delivery normally takes place thru the night, and me and my wifey will be in hospital. Is my current maid going to stay up 24 hrs to take care of samuel? Hence other way out, is to employ a part time nurse (require training, and money), or admit Samuel into Hi-Dependacy ward in KK (need even more money).

Hence here i am, praying for burmese authorities to issue passport, singapore authorities to approve and issue bond, agency in myanmar to apply for visa, visa approval by sg immigration, and flight to be available, passing medical, safety courses, before i get my maid. Today i am told that the agency in myanmar is at the stage of beginning the visa application. God speed for this maid agent!

Now, for the main topic. Amazingly, i have noticed that when i commit to God these mundane things of life, God seems to expedite my requests. Of course i wish that God can put the maid in front of me now. But i am seeing that he is answering my requests to these jobs to be done faster.

Here is a verse that i memorized when younger. Typing it from memory now. Be anxious about nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, present your requests to God. And the peace of God that transcends all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Hope i do not add to God's word.)

Thank you God for working on my behalf. Thank you Samuel's angel.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Samuel : Err, the candle wax is dripping Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Birthday boy

Today is my birthday.

This is one of my most meaningful birthdays. In recalling the people who wished me today, i realized they were my closer friends for the past few years. There are a few traits that are consistent in these friends:

1) I have been meeting up with them at least twice a year.
2) They know my situation with Samuel.
3) Either i have impacted their lives or they have impacted my life.
4) I enjoy their company, and i guess they enjoy mine.

Perhaps it is the situation that i am going thru at the moment that is causing me to appreciate the little things in life - such as celebrating my birthday. In the past, these celebration were going thru motion, probably because i had more interesting things to do. Now with my situation, every act of gesture is truly appreciated.

I prayed today - very sincerely - that MOM will expedite my request for a replacement maid. This is something that in the past i would not bother to. But currently, even something as trivial as maid application require praying to the almighty God.

Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. May God answer my prayers. May a revival begin in my life.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Am i handsome? 16 Nov 2005 (today) Posted by Picasa

I'm no longer an Ogre! 24 Aug 2005 Posted by Picasa

Mum, are you pregnant? 14 Aug 2005 Posted by Picasa

The calm before the storm.....5 Aug 2005 Posted by Picasa

Lucky guy, always accompanied by 2 ladies - 27 July 2005 Posted by Picasa

Cleft lips go away. 23 July 2005 Posted by Picasa

Oh my, what big teeth you have! 26 June 2005 Posted by Picasa

Like Father, like son. Read your papers first thing in the morning - 19 Feb 2005 Posted by Picasa

Friends from Viriya. I am grateful for making our lives sunnier - 18 Feb 2005 Posted by Picasa

Happy KKH. - 05 Aug 2004 Posted by Picasa

Home.........with tracheostomy - 27 May 04 Posted by Picasa

Intubator in first month of life - 15th Sept 2003 Posted by Picasa

Baby Blue - 09 Sept 03 Posted by Picasa

That's me Posted by Picasa

Samuel is back from hospital. Have to ensure that every instruction by the doctors are being carried out. But then i cannot do everything, have to rely on my maid, whose standard of cleanliness is suspect.

Attended a course today by Murad. Pretty inspirational, but yet a lot of smoke and propaganda being sprewed. Sigh...... I am not one who likes to be in thick smoke. Worst still, to participate in the smoke.

I am worried about my Samuel, and my maid/s. can they handle when i am not around? When wifey is in delivery room, and me with her, is my home situation tenable? Sigh........ Only time will tell