Help! Mid Life Crisis!
I seriously think i am now going through a mid life crisis, though at a premature stage. Wikipedia describes Mid-life Crisis as a period of dramatic self-doubt that is felt by some in the "middle years" of life, that may be triggered by the death of parents, or children leaving home. The person may desire to make significant changes in core aspects of day to day life, such as in career, or in relationships.
Obviously the passing of Samuel is the key trigger. Life has been quite empty since Samuel has been promoted to a better place. Reflecting on the past, my (family) life revolved around Samuel. You see, Samuel had the biggest room of my home - the living room. He was intentionally placed in our living room as we wanted him to be always playing a part in our family life. While we watched TV, eat our meals (we have a open concept kitchen, dinning, living room), play with our kids, or when friends visit, or during cell group meetings; Samuel was always the centre of it all. Wifey had to take on additional tuition, and why i had the motivation to work long hours, was because of Samuel.
Now that he is gone, it seems pointless to put in 12 hour work days. What do i really want? That is what i am asking myself these days. How do I want to spend the second half of my life? What do I want to be remembered? What am I willing to die for? What are the talents that God has given me that I can realize my full potential? Is it about family? Is is about linking and giving to the people community? Does God hold the meaning to life and not me?
I am now re-reading Rick Warren's "Purpose driven life", and just picked up Bob Buford's Half-time. I pray that God will speak to me as I read these books.
Samuel gave his all while he was alive. Samuel was strong, he took the continual pains and discomforts. He was stubborn, he presevered the multiple close-death hospital stays, and lived beyond what the doctors expected. He was attractive and charismatic in his own way, getting the attention of everyone in KK hospital, and inspiring the teachers from his school.
These are the traits that i hope will see me through to the second half of my life.