Mu humble blog on me and my family

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Deliverer is born!

On 14 Dec 2005, 1.30 am in the morning, i confidantly put down the script that i was memorizing for a presentation. I was due to be the first speaker at 9.30am, with senior management staff in attendance.

Wifey woke me up at 3am. Its time.

At 5.59am, we checked into KK Womens' and children hospital.

My daughter, Esther Low was born on 14 Dec 2005 at 6.33am. It was a relief more than anything. So warped was our experience that we were amazed to see Esther left alone by the nurses, breathing on her own.

I shall not bore you with the details, suffice to say that we were like any other couple with a newborn - except that we have 2 maids at home on 24hr duty with little Samuel.

Why is Esther the deliverer? Pastor Alice visited us in the hospital, releasing a word that Esther is our family's deliverer. We shall see (God's plan coming to fruition).


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